After a 6 1/2 hour flight from Boston to Heathrow Airport, and standing in Heathrow Customs for an hour in a packed and non-air conditioned room, and dragging 90 pounds worth of luggage for miles, I finally made it to Regent's American College in London!!! About 8 other friends and myself together took the Heathrow express from Heathrow to Paddington Station then took a black cabbie (taxi) to Reid Hall at Regent's college.
I met this friendly British guy on the plane who was very helpful with tips for what to say and do in England. Although he was from Northern England (near Scotland), he still made me excited for London. What confused me was why he kept asking me "if [I] was alright." He'd say "You alright?" I kept saying "yeah, i'm good, thanks. haha you?" Apparently today I learned that the Brits use the phrase "You alright?" the way we use "how are you?" My advisers suggested I reply by saying "Yup, good. You?" Good to know.
After arriving I went and got a cell phone for the UK with a talk mobile SIM card. I have unlimited texting and calls to the other Regent's students with the same SIM card. **If you'd like to reach me though, the best methods are texts (for a quick message) and e-mailing! Text my blackberry because it's cheaper for you. :)
After getting my cellphone I found some food quickly in the Refectory with other students and unpacked for 30 min before a brief orientation meeting at 3 pm our time. Then I napped from 4-5:45 because I was absolutely exhausted. My bed is very uncomfortable here because it has springs that nearly stab you, but when you're jet-lagged spikes feel amazingly comfy.
After napping I showered and met up with my RA. All of the RAs in Reid Hall (my dorm) took us down to Marlybone Road where we visited a pub. The pub was very hot inside and crowded, and mostly attracted an older crowd so we all only ordered 1 drink then moved on. I ordered a light beer, pint size. I could feel only one beer! Probably because I hear the alcohol content is slightly higher (plus pints are large) and probably also partly because I haven't eaten a large meal in forever and am exhausted!!
--first night out: Jill, Jenna, Me and Eliza
I like your pictures sweetheart. And I have noted the size of the beers......