Hello everyone!
Sorry for taking so long to update this! I have been very, very busy! Busy having fun!
OK so, Wednesday I only had two classes then had the afternoon off because Regent's College gives students Wednesday afternoons off to explore London/England and relax. The school had actually planned a Fresher's barbeque where my school had butlers serving us wine and beer for FREE! So during the BBQ I was introduced to 3 Belgiams, 2 Germans and 2 French guys by my friend Shelia. Their names are Christof, Arnaud, Guillome, Nicholas, Sebastian, another Sebastian and Alex. They were all very nice! Christof, Arnaud, Guillome, and the 2 Sebastians and me, Liz, Becky and Shelia all took a walk to Camden Market. There was a slightly sketchy/dodgy area that we had to walk through to get there, but we were with a group of really tall, older guys so I was not too concerned. Then once we got to Camden I was really impressed! It overlooked a small estuary and was actually pretty nice! And everything was really cheap! We decided that we all wanted to rest for a bit and get a drink first, so that's what we did. The guys (Christof and Arnaud) went inside to this bar and ordered everyone a pint! They just straight up paid for us! American guys would NEVER EVER do that for a group of girls they had just met!
Then after shopping (I didn't get anything) we walked back to school and the guys asked us if we wanted to hang out again after dinner. We accepted and went with them to Picadilly. We were planning to go to a Sports Bar which they had gone to the night before, but that was closed. So across the street from it was a club I had heard of before called Tiger Tiger, so we decided to go there instead. It was actually really fun! The Belgian guys bought everyone a round of drinks as well again. The French guys came with us this time as well. On the way home Nicholas taught me how to say a few things in French! So fun.
Then on Thursday I only had once class and was done for the day by 11:30. I took a nap in the afternoon and then that night I went to a pub also near Picadilly called O'Neil's. It was EXACTLY what I pictured a pub to me: a small, wooden, Irish-looking place with wooden tables and lots of mugs of beer. There was even a giant cast-iron chandelier. It was the perfect setting. The place had an upper level that had a live band playing. One of the guys standing near me asked me if I had an Irish-accent! HAHA someone has clearly never met an AMERICAN before...
Then on Friday I had the day off. I slept in and then went to Camden Market again with Liz, Shelia and Becky to get dresses for the Fresher's Party that Regent's College put on Friday night. Regent's set up a giant tent outside with a dancefloor inside, hors d'ourves and a bar, and outside were a bunch of tables. There were lights on trees to turn the trees different colors as well. The outside portion of the event went from 7-10, and then it moved to a club downtown. It was a more fancy event so we needed dresses! Hence, a trip back to Camden was in order.

L to R: eliza, jenna, me, liz, jill, shelia, becky, jackie
At first I couldn't find anything I liked, or that was fancy enough, but then Liz spotted this strapless red dress that I LOVED! They only had 1 size left, and it was MY SIZE! It fit like a glove, i loved it. I bargained with the guy and got it for £15. It was really fun to get dressed up with my friends. The club was very fancy. It cost £500 for a table there for the night, so we just stood with most of the other kids and danced. However, we did eventually get invited to join a table and got a couple free drinks!
Then on Saturday I went with kids from UNH for a FREE trip on the LONDON EYE! The views were SOOO impressive! My laptop isn't working right now so unfortunately I cannot upload too many pictures on here yet, but I will as soon as possible! After the eye we walked around the Thames because there is a weekend-long festival going on! There are outside markets, live music and food everywhere. We are going back tonight to watch FIREWORKS over the THAMES RIVER!

view from the Eye!
Ahhh, I love life! I never want to return to the US. I miss my friends and family, but I much prefer life here. I am so lucky to be able to experience this. I really would love to move here after school. The culture is just more suitable and fun for me. I was talking to my friend Eliza here about it, and my Mom, and I've noticed that there is a greater respect for women here than in the USA. Men hold doors open for women without thinking twice, guys will buy you a drink not to be creepy but because it's what they just naturally do, and there is simply more love. Adult couples can be seen walking the streets, in the tube, anywhere just holding hands. You hardly EVER see that in the states! It makes me feel more respected and confident... more vauled...
in fact...
While walking around Regent's Park this morning I was strolling through Queen Mary's rose garden and it hit me: Women are more respected here because this country has a history of female leaders. Although the Queen isn't so much involved directly in government, she is still a role model for young women. We don't have anything even slightly similar in the States. Oprah? Nope. Hillary Cliton? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Every day I fall more in love with this country. If I could move to England and live here for the rest of my life I would be absolutely OK with that. The only things I would miss would be my friends and family. But they would have an excuse to travel and visit!
And I love city life. Although I know I'd never be able to afford to live in London on my own, it is such a joy to live here now! Having world-renowned art, theatre, parks, resturants and even shopping right at your finger tips is absolutely INSANE! I LOOOOOOOOVE IT! I'm never bored! IT'S SO MUCH MORE EXCITING THAN MANCHESTER OR DURHAM! I feel like I've finally found the place I belong.
Sorry, I'm gushing. I just never want to leave. I love every single thing about this place. The people, the culture, the grounds, the queen, the tube, the multicultural aspects, i love it!

Regent's Park

Reid Hall, my dorm
What's not to love???????
ReplyDeleteGood thing you are not a boy....all those drinks to keep up with the European boys would cost a fortune!!!!!
:) :) :)
haha thanks mom :)